An interfaith alliance helping children and families experiencing homelessness achieve lasting self-sufficiency.
Family Promise Salt Lake is a non-profit, interfaith, non-proselytizing, organization that provides shelter, case management and housing services to children and families experiencing homelessness. On top of offering families a safe and supported environment away from the trauma of homelessness, Family Promise strives to facilitate lasting income and housing stability for the families we serve.
The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness recently reported that during the 2018-2019 school year an estimated 13,745 Utah public school students were homeless at some point – 698 were unsheltered, 913 were in emergency shelter, 479 were staying in hotels/motels, and 11,655 were doubled up living with family or friends.
Family Promise works to engage the faith communities to shelter, feed, and nurture families experiencing homelessness, by committing their facilities and volunteers on a rotating basis throughout the year. By diverting families in need from more costly interventions (motels, traditional shelters), the Family Promise model provides a humane, un-duplicated, cost-effective, hands-on community-based approach to helping families facing homelessness.